New Release 6.00.19

Well, it’s finally here. The next release of Event Registration for WordPress. The majority of changes are bug fixes:

* Fixed slashes issue on Company default mail
* Fixed php tag error in evr_three_cal file.
* Fixed issue on export payment list to excel not showing payments
* Fixed issue with questions
* Fixed listing style options for categories

In addition to the patch fixes, we have also resolve the issue with waitlist registration. You can once again accept waitlist registrations when your event reaches capcity.

We made a couple of changes to the Calendar:
* Modified event names on calendar to truncate long names to prevent overrun of calendar
* Fixed calendar event category color coding issue

Finally and most noteworthy is a revised sidebar widget, thanks to Crystal McNair for this contribution. This will impact all widget users, as your old widget will disapper. You will need to add the new widget back to your sidebar from the widget area.

Once you drag the widget to the sidebar, you will need to make a few settings and save it to make it active.  One of the nice features is that you can now make the widget category specific.

  Step 1:  Title your widget.

  Step 2: Enter the number of events you want the widget to display.

  Step 3: Select a category for your events.  This list is generated by the categories you have previously created in the category section of the plugin.

  Optional Step:  You can customize how the widget displays and what information is displayed.  See the directions and tags area of the widget for help.  It is recommended to not use any customization until you have verified the widget is working.

  Step 4/5:  Save your changes.

  Step 6: View the widget on your site.